Catholics, while accepting the biological reality of blood and water as emanating from the pierced heart and body cavity of Christ, also acknowledge the allegorical interpretation: it represents one of the main key teachings/mysteries of the Church, and one of the main themes of the Gospel of Matthew, which is the homoousian interpretation adopted by the First Council of Nicaea, that 'Jesus Christ was both true God and true man.', The Museum dates the Lance to the eighth century. 'The lance which pierced Our Lord's side' was among the relics at Constantinople shown in the 1430s to Pedro Tafur, who added 'God grant that in the overthrow of the Greeks they have not fallen into the hands of the enemies of the Faith, for they will have been ill-treated and handled with little reverence.'. This is easily the best of the e-book series so far as it fits into its era seamlessly, which is always what I am looking for in a Doctor Who story, and the depiction of the regulars from the era that it is set are pitch perfect and, to use an oft used phrase, you can imagine Pertwee and Manning speaking the lines. Spear of Destiny took the id team two months to create the game from start to finish.